Thursday, May 18, 2006

Muppepic post

This find has made my week. Aw heck, why not admit it; my year! It's an entire wiki devoted to the Muppets.

Muppet Wiki, a database that anyone can edit.

I loved the muppets. When I was a wee little ADD monkey, I remember watching it with my dad.

Now dad is normally a rather somber, angry sort of fellow, but whenever he watched the Muppets, he would chortle and chuckle so furiously that the beer and crackers precariously balanced on his gut shelf would cascade down the wreck-room couch (tits make handy beer holders, by the way).

I remember being charmed and confused by this. I knew the Muppets was a "kids" program, so why did dad find it funny? Why did he always laugh at the un-funny parts?

Why? Because the Muppets is two-tiered: there's the punny kids humour and the bawdry adult jokes. This fact only really became clear to me in my 20s when I suddenly recalled one episode in which some '70s blonde, Goldie Hawn-ish babe was dressed up as an eight-year-old girl. And she's prancing around her house, singing some song about locking postmen up when they knock about her door. So she's skipping and dancing around her place showing us where she's hiding all the service men — drawers, closets, beneath the bed.

I think she's funny AND cool because she's confident enough to steal service men and hide them all over the place.

Dad thinks it's funny because this episode is totally kiddie porntastic a la "it puts the lotion on the skin" without the creep. Plus a hot woman all dressed up as a little girl. I'm sorry, but our society wires this image sexy no matter how many times you dump your mental trash can.

So we're laughing at each other for "not getting it". I think that was part of Jim Henson's master-funnybone plan.

Hold on. I'm about to search the Muppet Wiki for my favourite muppets — those "oh, eee, oh, ah, ah. ting, tang, willa, walla, bing bang" xylophone creatures. I used to cry and cry whenever the musician banged them on their sweet, pink little heads — hold on... Got it: The Muppaphone

The Yip Yip Martians were pretty cool.
Lautrec Sister doing the "garbage can can".

Pfft. Have to get ready for work. I think I'm going to add to this throughout the day. It will be my muppepic post.

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