Sunday, May 28, 2006

100 things I like... to do

(1) walk over bridges (2) warm my feet on the coils of hot water heaters (3) read cyber punk novels (4) sit in my kitchen nook (5) be totally out of my normal element (6) swim in lakes... at night— can you guess which one I am? (7) eat crepes for breakfast (8) write without punctuation (9) remember my grandmother (10) put the fork presses on peanut butter cookies (11) good book covers (12) dreaming (13) roadtrips — especially with gummy bears, chips and soda (14) playing on words (15) backyard BBQs (16) dusty smell of asphalt after a summer rain (17) Long Beach, Tofino (18) Triumph Motorscyles (19) talking (20) faded signs on the alley sides of brick buildings (21) hardwood floors (22) steams (23) the cool watery air streams in dense forests (24) really good couches — the kind you can tuck up in and read away the afternoon (25) perusing cluttered shops filled with odd items (25) good fitting and sassy underwear (26) disturbing watercolours (27) squishing water outof sea anemones (28) sun on my back, lying on a blanked in that half-sleepy state (29) christmas trees decorated with home-grown decorations (30) islands (31) renting a cabin with a gang (31) turning rocks over and watching the wee crabs scuttle away (32) neon signs — old ones that include a picture like a seahorse or mermaid (33) walking down a busy sidewalk and blending in with the cacophony of colour and noise (34) that poem from the Nag Hammadi (35) roasted almonds (36) walk, jog, run with music (37) drink wine with girls (38) travelling — I think (39) blogging (40) riding the ferry (41) reading my horoscope (42) hiking (43) debautch a good hotel with coco chanel (44) sleep (45) study (46) learn (47) holidays (48) sing in the shower (49) dance in my hallway (50) read metafilter (51) read slushpile (53) read 50 books (54) go dancing with this man (55) pull fairy cards with this girl (56) talk theory and trash with this boy (57) support my brilliant roomates (58) sigh: yoga (59) eat granny smith apples (60) ignore time (61) brain streaming (62) drink a spot of good scotch (63) tuck under a blanket and watch a good movie with food and drink at arm's length (64) bike crusing (65) hyperreal realities (66) sex (67) scratching the surface deeper (68) see, touch and taste and... (69) walk barefoot on sand or grass (70) take obnoxiously long showers (71) mastermind a creative plan (72) manifestos (73) roundtable theory discussions (74) collage parties (75) read Harper's Index (76) old school ice cream sandwiches (77) crack the spine of a new book (78) discuss the detritus of culture with Mata Haripreferably while watching some campy '80s flick (79) support novel happenings (80) good logos (81) mangos (82) figure out how this coding thing works (83) can I say travel again, but make it long-term travelling — like living somewhere foreign for a long spell? (84) ride my urban bike, though it gives me "the fear" (85) book club (86) eat brunch on a patio (87) plaster on a mud mask then laugh at myself in the mirror (88) be outside during "golden time" (89) on occasion, get up early, grab a trashy book and read in a cafe (90) walk through alleys (91) buy cheap flip flops (92) wax poetic (93) instant messaging (94) sop up melted brie with crusty white baguette chunks, ripped not cut (95) attend art openings and watch the politics play out (96) visit hunt & gather (97) dye my hair (98) think (99) act (100) feel.

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