Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Source Bitch

I would need the limbs of Kali to count the individual digits comprising the tumid phalange of talent enrapting me in kultcher, so I'm going to take the "girl crush" angle to narrow down my hommage to the creative and interesting beings surrounding me.

But first, I'm going off topic to rant about Kali - I've just realized she's GBs god mother, and I have decided that girl crushes are rivulets of her being. Because...

Kali's a classic ghetto bitch.

And according to Wikipedia, she just may be THE source bitch - our archaic mother out of whose primordial trailer park we all slithered.

Born of the killer of daemons, aka momma Durga, daughter Kali is considered a creature of indiscriminate violence and wrath with complex Tantric beliefs. (Hot!) She's also the consort of Shiva, who's the destroyer, the auspicious one, and the nature of bliss. These are some hot ghetto bitch momma gal pals, Kali playing the black female to Shiva's white. It is a balance in one through two who consort.

Such dichotomous beings, these portieres be. Yes, they are window dressings framing a symbolic view of the act of containing, maintaining, and navigatiing oppositions within our selves. This is a healthier perception of being, and more realistic. (I guess I'm comparing this to the Western pantheon of gods, divided trinities, and Hollywood's " good, bad and ugly" paradigms.) How many people are truly one-sided? And of the small group of people who are one-sided, how many do you perceive as healthy and whole beings? Not many, me thinks.

Throughout all histories - East, West, North, South, and ET - embodying a "life and death" construction in one singular being is considered trigger-finger dangerous - and one to be watched, controlled, killed, or interestingly, revered as a god. Mortals who are allowed to posses this power never act alone. They are always perceived as conduits of a greater power - they are priests, madwomen, and the possessed. And these vessels are always State stamped.

Girl crushes: all girls have them in various shapes, forms and aspects. We are all conduits, containers, dichotomous beings. So why wouldn't we see aspects of our selves and not-selves in other beings? We all need to sit with Shivas to sit with ourselves.

Now, I'm not really thinking sex when I talk girl crush (I know, I know - it all distills down to that in the end). But look: dykes and define girl crushes as "non sexual" too, so I'm validated by heteros and homos.

Girl crushes are telling. They point to the black and whites of a girl's personality, the obvious and the sublimated. They hint at her self-imagining and her actions - kinetic and potential. They draw out what is hidden, what destroys, and what she can't admit to wanting. Beautiful, sophisticated, charming or accomplished - it is what we want deep down inside of ourselves that we externalize in our girl crushes. Boys, you should take note of your girl's crushes.

So, I am going to bash off a list without thinking in the hopes that I can "read" it like tea leaves... and pay hommage to some fierce ladies while I ponder my self. Feel free to make your list of "crushes" in the comment area.

Hadley Howes - mind spews art in decorative form
Kathleen Ritter - her base of data slays me
Bloggaphile - one smart cookie
Doppleganger of 50 Books - never minces words
Slushpile - always minces words; a beautiful pastiche
Pat Cadigan - The Queen of Cyberpunk
The girls of Go Fug Yourself - wordsmiths and bitches,
par excellence
Bazima - serves tasty internet milkshakes
Dee - raiki sandwiches and road trip meeting minutes
CocoRosie - um, hot, talented and unwaveringly alternative
Elaine Scarry - one of my absolute favourite thinkers
Angelica Huston - does Hollywood on her own terms
Diane Arbus - a rare photographer of the uncomfortably human
Katherine Dunn - one of my favourite writers: I make all my boyfriends read Geek Love

1 comment:

Mata Hari said...

I have always felt a particuar afinitity to that crazy bitch Kali myself but could never have put it quite so eloquently as you VC.
Any gal who is depicted stomping on her lover and adorning herself witht the skulls of her enemies is not to be messed with.
To the "divine/terrible mother" in all of us!