Wednesday, November 09, 2005

We!rdo Manifesto

Hey you! We!rdo...Yeah, I'm talking to you. See this image? The cute little orange creature hanging out on a Montreal trash can, looking all classy and DIY? Well, that creature is you. That's right. You're a We!rdo. But then, who isn't?

So, let me take this opportunity to welcome you - my dear We!rdo - to the group.

It's pretty fun here. We do goofy things: it keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously. "Serious" is murder—something will die if you take yourself too seriously, whether it be your vim, your vigor, or your art and soul. Just take a look at the news from the "norms": it's killing them...and their ratings.

Now, my new little We!rdling, don't you go conflating serious with integrity— we have a healthy regard for the latter. As you can see from the picture, you still choose to wear a crown. You know a little pride enrichens the spirit; itegrity, the world.

But what? What are you saying? You won't join us if you can't be ironic? Well, We!rdo, check out your t-shirt logo. It's an inverted crown. Hell, if irony is dead, it means that we're all zombies ... so we prefer to think of our irony as turned upside down—jumbo shrimp, if you will. We say screw hiding the scarlet letters, we're proudly wearing ours in orange!

Alright We!rdo. (Yes, I'm talking to you.) Now that you're officially in our group, you must help us write a manifesto. What should a We!rdo manifesto should include?


Johnny Valentine said...


Ahh a manifesto!
At long last...
And out of mtl-we!irdo art no less.
Let us begin the proclamations.

Hearts in hearses,

Violet Chrome said...

Alright Johnny. Proclaim away.......

It took a Montreal image to inspire a post? Geeze. What a snob.