Thursday, November 17, 2005

how to start

Ooh girls. Let's get a man's perspective here.

So I show a man I love and trust pictures of all of us.

"She thinks she's FAT? My god. What the fuck."

Essentially, what the fuck is wrong with women that the beautiful smart ones feel inadequate? That the smart kind handsome men feel lost? Where have we gone wrong, when we're single and we feel like the last ones standing, unmarried at 36 and suddenly feel like old maids, when we can't embrace our beauty, power, intelligence?

Fuck this stupidity. We have to stop this kind of thinking.

Only beauty. Only truth. Only power. OK? No more bullshit.

What is, is.

I looked at a picture of myself tonight taken when I was 26. I remember thinking at the time that I looked incredibly fat. I was in Nepal, covered in coloured powder (it was the huge Hindu festival of Holi). I looked exhausted, exhilarated.

I was tiny.


Violet Chrome said...

Sigh. By the looks of your post, I am assuming that sharing one bottle of red wine with your male friend turned into three.


Anonymous said...

post said photo.