Friday, June 30, 2006


This show featuring Audrey Kawasaki at Seattle's Roq la Rue gallery looks interesting. The opening party is July 7. For some reason I bet there will be hot girls there.

I want to say I'm over the "melancholy/sexy/disturbing/infanta-woman" thing in painting, started, I suppose by John Currin, or Balthus. No, wait, that's not true, as this slightly-strange blog of nude women in art (photos of Keira Knightley and Audrey Hepburn making the only discordant appearances) reminds me. Duh. Talk about a scrolling feast of nipples and curves and pubic hair. I thought the Rodin nude was going to lift her head, toss her hair and look me in the eye.

As for Kawasaki's stuff, it took me a minute before I figured out what this painting:

reminded me of:

I wonder if Egon got them to pose for this, or whether it was uh, more journalistic. Anyway. Enough nipples and curves--it's after 4 on a Friday long weekend and this particular set of nipples and curves are out of here.

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