Monday, June 26, 2006

Heavy metal dream

Ugh. I had the most unusually mundane wake-up mare:

I was at work, slaving at my desk. I went to get a file, found a trap door in the floor leading into a cavernous medieval "basement" (think the movie Labrynth). I accidentally dropped a light torch down the 113,582 steps. After a minute, the sound of the light smacking the ground echoed back to me, carrying with it a human-sounding scuttle. I got scared and scurried back to my desk.

My light drop woke an anglo-saxon ogre demon who ripped open the trap door and tore through my workplace like a hot knife slicing butter. His metal interior ripped through his bloodied flesh, tip-of-the-iceburg-style, and flayed a good portion of the nameless co-workers.

So, once he re-staked his territory, a.k.a my transifgured workplace, in blood, the remaining crew sat around a mead hall table and shot the shit with heavy metal ogre in all their pre-Medieval finery.

I started to realize that all of his joints were turning green and spent the last part of my dream trying to figure out why that was happening... How come I find this the most disturbing part?


Temple said...

Nice use of constants (speed of sound in air and standard stair height)! I for one appreciate the math in your post. :)

Anonymous said...

i came to the wrong place.

Violet Chrome said...

Guess you didn't find what you were looking for here, huh?

Smartbunny said...

Yeah, damn, you people be way too serious an' shit. What the fuck's an anglo-saxem? Math, shit... I'm out.

Violet Chrome said...

No one's told me why I find the mundane part of my dream disturbing. Comon' there has to be some closeted dream readers out there. Freud? Hello? It's your mother calling.