Thursday, June 15, 2006

Date-star galactica

So, at my life coach's urging (read: a really good friend who is better at dating than I am), I have signed up on a couple of online dating sites. And I find it a very humbling, and fascinating, process.

Being online all the time, I've been loath to take my one fleshy connection online. But, well, I'm getting older, and all my friends are hitched so I figured I'd give it a whirl (after a really challenging mental battle, calling myself a geek, then realizing that I'm okay with being one).

Here are the things I discovered about the whole registration process:
  1. It takes forever.
  2. Wine helps you write your personal bio — wit and humor increases making you seem much more charming and effervescent.
  3. If you say that you like discovering Jungian archetypes in Battlestar Galactica, you get tons, and I mean tons, of emails from a certain segment of the population who just want to talk plot and motive with you. Except for one guy who put: "I like Battlestar Galactica too. Clearly, we should fuck."
  4. You get these wink things, but have no idea what to do with them.
  5. Based on the pictures of men you age, you realize that you're an adult now.

Now, I've realized that there is some fascinating things to day about pictures, but I'll leave that for the next post. This one may take more than my 10 min max writing time.

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