Thursday, May 26, 2005

Lady Scorpion, Ghetto Bitches' Patroness

Originally uploaded by Violet Chrome.
Whoah, I have found Ghetto Bitches the most amazing patron saint. Yes, it's Lady Scorpion. This bitch is amazing.

Want to know where Uma Thurman got her Kill Bill moves? Want to know how Tarantino has defined his style? Just watch the 1972 Japanese film, Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion.

What makes this movie A for awesome-ghetto-bitches is that the women are absolutely cruel, revengeful, and out for themselves. No muss, no fuss, no pity.

Sure, Rotten Tomatoes says "Shunya Ito creates a portrait of a woman is full of strength, beauty and an honor which outshines her peers and the cage within which she's contained." And I can't disagree. But, I must say, it is one of the sappiest descriptions of a hard-ass ghetto bitch film I've ever read.

The women prisoners are horrific beasts, and yet they somehow remain honourable or principled. Sure, it's about eight women criminals who break out of prison. Sure, all their crimes have to do with being bad wives, or mothers, and women. But it's so much more fun and gruesomely satisfying that that description. These women know their lot; they know what they are; they have no illusions. The characters are absolutely corrupted, yes, but the director never lets namby-pamby female stereotypes corrupt the characters... I repeat: they are hard-ass scary bitches.

And Lady Scorpion? She is the most focused, integrity-fuelled bitch in the compound. Her dedication to revenge is unwaveringly focussed. Lady Scorpion accepts her female compatriots's "faults" because their faults, in truth, are their upfront, honest, and uncorruptable character traits. These women know who they are and what each other are: criminals.

Let this be a lesson to all ye ghetto bitches: if you want to be accepted and understood, you don't have to be good, or pure, or uncorruptable, you just have to be upfront and know what you're all about - then all the other bitches will know how to work with you.

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