Monday, May 30, 2005

Apache Byatches Chaussee

Originally uploaded by Violet Chrome.
Jazz dancing. Suede Tassles. Pelvic hip thrusts. And rocking keyboard moves. Apache. This vintage music video from a 1970s Danish disco band is amazing. I can't stop watching the moustache man -- his illuminating smile, his sparkling hand waves, his bad scrawny-man posture, his carefully choreographed moves. He is magical.

And the Apache bitches who chaussee out from behind the teepee? Bewitching.

I love the word "chaussee". I remember chaussee-ing to Janet Jackson tunes back in the 80s. Remember how cool the "running man" was? Remember practicing "chaussees" diagonally across the floor? Remember the hideous spandex outfits? Okay, let's not remember that.

These video byatchs have mastered the chaussee - every move they make is carefully choreographed to enhance their "apache babe-ness" (please enjoy the political incorrectness of this video. I mean, really, how cool is it watching a group of Danish rock nerds bust out their interpretation of white american's interpretation of North American Indian chic? I love it when a style is a rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off. It becomes its own beautiful thing).

I especially goove on the apache dancers's "search" moves - their hands shielding their brows like they're seeking out smoke signals in the hot plains sun (nevermind that they're in a forest). And, wait for it, wait for it... yes, moustache man pelvic thrusts his way over to dance with the ladies. He is the definition of smooth and these are his Apache bitches.

I want to be a cowgirl.

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