Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Warning! Cat Content!

According to Mr. Paul Kunkel author of "How to Toilet Train your Cat", it only takes 21 days to toilet train the average cat. My boyfriend is an optimistic guy who never shys away from a challenge, where as I am more of your laisse-faire kinda girl. So when boyfriend came to me with this "21 days to a litter-free home" project my first question was, "Do I have to actually do anything?" he said "No" and so I heartily agreed to the Cat Toilet Training Project.


The first several stages went surprisingly well. We (read: He) placed the litter box beside the toilet and slowly raised it up until it was at the level of the toilet. We did it a few books at a time so the cats didn't wise up to this ass jacking [I knew those Canadian Health Care Management texts would come in handy some day]. Once we were at the level of the of toilet we had to decide between Mr. Kunkel's two methods: standard or alternative.

The standard method is where you slowly slide the box over each day until it rests on top of the toilet. Once the cat is used to jumping up on the toilet you can remove the box. We quickly learned that our cats are alternative [I suspected].

The alternative method is the toilet-seat-over-the-box method.
come ca

My cat, Jones, is 19lbs of furry delight but he's not too bright. He has trouble dialing it in sometimes...

His cat, Arizona, is 8lbs of pretty princess. Her aim is much better...
but she likes to watch...

I'm afraid we can't claim resounding success with the Cat Toilet Training Project. It has now been approximately 11 weeks, we still can't use our second bathroom, we are still buying kitty litter on a regular basis and only one of the cats consistantly hits the bowl...

Maybe Mr. Kunkel's 21 days was a typo...21 weeks maybe?

1 comment:

Violet Chrome said...

Thank you for this highly detailed description of kitty toilet training techniques... I love how they check out their own efforts — the expressions are priceless.