Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Snack on Skullet

I'm devouring Ivan E. Coyote's collection of short stories Loose End like a celled don before a contraband plate of momma's famous spaghetti... I never could chew thirty times before I swallowed.

There are so many tasty tidbits in this book; I want to leave you with a long list of them. But I have decided to act ladylike for once and watch my table manners. So I leave you to macrobiotically masticate on this:

"...a couple of skinny Dungeons & Drangons-looking guys [were] sporting what I call a skullet, which is a guy who's hair is long at the back and gone on the top."


Anonymous said...

join the mullitia

Smartbunny said...

Did I give you that one, V? Funny you mentioned this, because Ivan's publishers just emailed me today, asking if I could do an "extra-long" film clip of her for my site, something to showcase her storytelling and performance skills.

Ivan's just so damn like the sweet boy you always wish you'd met, somewhere along the line: laconic and sexy, gentlemanly and I-don't-give-a-damn, a latter-day Rhett with grease under her fingernails and a crushed pack of Marlboro reds in her shirt pocket. (A shirt well-worn, but clean and ironed that morning by Ivan herself while smoking the first of the day's aforementioned Marlboros.)

I fully declare my crush on Ivan. I dig her, I dig her words. I had her on the show a year or so back, for her last book, and hung about her on set and in the greenroom like a puppy. (Producer's privilege I guess--I did that for Romeo Dallaire and Jane Goodall and Stephen Lewis, too.) I've been saving having Ivan on again with this book for this spring. With this mention and the cherry blossoms abloom out back, I guess now is the time.