Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Is design political?

Is design political?

Don't know if I learned anything new, but Jennie Winhall's relatively comprehensive survey article on the politics of design (the preference shaping section is interesting) and the design of politics is worth a skimming read... the Adbuster's / Supersize Me section is obvious political pap to us cultural lackeys, but this fact-made-obvious is worth investigating:

"In 2001, design and politics hit the news big time when it was revealed that Florida's badly designed butterfly ballot could have cost Al Gore the U.S. presidency."

Want to know more about ethical design (jumbo shrimp)? Check out RED. RED is a 'do tank' within the UK Design Council that develops innovative thinking and practice on social and economic problems through design.

1 comment:

Spencer Maybee said...

I think the most dramatically flawed design that impacted the 2001 U.S. election was conceived in 1950 when Louis Rove and Reba Wood put another bun in the oven and made li'l Karl.