Thursday, October 26, 2006

Shelfari, the virtual bookshelf

Wow. Shelfari is a rather wikked online organizing tool that let's you show off your shelf, connect with your bookish friends, and talk about what your are passionate about: books.

And yet, I'm worried. All this organizing and sharing cuts in to my precious and scant reading time. As always, online life is ironical.


Mata Hari said...

Only supports Firefox...hmph!

That smacks of effort. Not much but it doesn't take much to discourage this girl.

*sigh* Oh well, I don't really have time to be writing about what I'm reading either.

However, I did just start "Angel and Insects" (Byatt). So far I'm lovin' it. How weird would it be to be taken from the edges of civilization and thrust into Victorian London?

Women...delicate, beautiful yet poison, like some butterflies. How could I possibly argue with this premise?

Heidi Lament said...

I have now joned Shelfari and committed an hour that I was supposed to spend doing work on this fundraising event I'm helping out with on "building my shelf". And - i couldn't feel more satisfied. Well- I could if I had more books, more reviews, more Shelfari friends. Nyaaa Ha Ha Ha....