Tuesday, October 24, 2006

French finance minister got game

The French government has taken a gaming approach to try and find a solution to the country's financial challenges. Budget Minister Jean-Francois Cope has launched an online Cyberbudget game that allows people to balance the books. The challenge is to ensure the €300 billion budget is spent wisely and that if tax cuts are made then services do not fall into deficit. There are a range of tests to face, including having to present the budget to a virtual parliament. [via Social Impact Games]

I envy the "so fucking French" French. They're hip, cool and vanguard, right down to their finance minister who commissioned a video game that allows chaque personne française simple à posit ones own solutions to common budget problems.

See the pictures below?
Can you guess which one is the French finance minister?
And which one is the Canadian finance minister?

I thought so.

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