Monday, December 05, 2005

Santa Bunnies

I'm trying to get into the festive seasonings, but I swear it's still early September. I know: I've dropped out of this world for a few months, but the Fionavar Tapestry weaves a mighty compelling warp and weft. I'd rather celebrate the season with the pagans. So, this is my attempt at electro-shock therapy-ing myself into feeling festive:
    Holiday movies:
  • A Christmas Story. Or check out the 30-SECOND BUNNY RE-ENACTMENT - it's for the ADD crew.
  • Whazzis? This is the best find ever: DR. SEUSSVILLE! I want to live there... uh oh... getting distracted... focusing on jingle bells and egg nog...The Grinch that Stole Christmas! You know, it's a classic. And for all you drunken word nerds out there who are too cheap to buy your nieces and nephews gifts, just print off some free grinch games, like Whoville's Holiday Whobilation Word Hunt, staple the pages together, and voila, you have a nifty gift for the young'uns.
  • The Muppet Christmas Carol. If I were a muppet, I'd be one of the grumpy old men.

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