Friday, September 08, 2006

Reptilian hot buttons

Coco Chanel, the awesome bitch that she is, just sent me this passage...
because it made her think of me:

Rapaille subscribes to the triune brain theory, which describes three
distinct brains: the cortex, limbic, and reptilian. Beneath the
cortex, the seat of logic and reason, is the limbic, which houses
emotions. Camouflaged underneath those is Rapaille's baby--the
reptilian--the layer wired by our biological primal needs like sex,
reproduction, and survival.

"The reptilian always wins"--that's Rapaille's mantra. "So you have to
discover the reptilian hot button, whatever you want to do--design an
airplane, sell diamonds--what is the reptilian brain?" Whereas bad
advertising only taps into the cortex ("Buy this paper towel to clean
up a spill!"), mediocre ads appeal to the cortex and the limbic ("Buy
this paper towel to clean up a spill and reduce stress!"). But truly
effective campaigns nail all three ("Buy this paper towel to clean up
a spill, reduce stress, and satisfy your maternal reptilian desire to
relieve your son's shame at making the spill in the first place!").

I can't wait to locate my reptilian hot buttons. Hisss.


Min said...

I can't help but feel I was robbed, not finding your blog sooner.

Thank god for "Next Blog" tabs and random clicking. I hope you won't object to my adding you to my links.

Anonymous said...

leece, you're complex!

Anonymous said...

I saw a documentary on this guy. Lives in a massive Louis XIV-styled mansion in upstate new york. Hires roomfulls of middle class consumers to undergo trance states and then asks them to free-associate to their earliest impressions of "luxury." His clients design not only ad campaigns, but also new products themselves, around what he digs up.
He had a whole bit about why a jeep's headlights had to be round, not square -- because a jeep is really your horse, and a horse doesn't have square eyes. The scary thing is...when they changed the shape of the headlights from square to round, sales went right up.

Violet Chrome said...

Links anonymous. Links. It sounds like he's got bohemian consumption down. All hail the green god. How genious is he to abuse middle class's S&M for the buy now and pay later.

Hiss. I like him. Ssss.