Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Paglia snacks on Antoinette

Heck. I've always gotten a kick out of rubble rousing Camille Paglia. She certainly knows how to get the media's attention — at least she did back in the days of Madonna-styled feminism (which by the way I prefer to the current Britney-styled mommyism).

Speaking of bitches... I have to give her some sort of nod for dishing about our queen bitch "Marie Antoinette and why she is back in vogue..."

Personally, I would have liked to see her take on gen y in this view, but alas, she went the way of post 9/11 times. Everybody's doing it. And Paglia has never really been a vanguard when it comes to theory.

Invisible cake is so much easier to digest. Though not half as fulfilling.

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