Tuesday, August 22, 2006

SINKing into consciousness

If "double income no kids" are DINKS then I guess "single income no kids" are SINKS.

I'm sinking into that state — and sinking from it. Me and my SINK cannot afford to live on our own. We can't really afford to own a car. We routinely let food go rotten.

Being a one, we think, is really expensive, especially in Vancouver – the land of extreme wealth and poverty. I sojourn in the void between the two indefinitely.

Kind of makes you wonder about twos —we're really set up for them, aren't we? The nation is willing to risk anything for babies (products of twos), I guess, if they're willing to foster an army of DINKS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post, V. I feel the same, have for so long I've nearly forgotten otherwise. Am only beginning to feel I'm beginning to float on the raft of my own female financial suffiency--but it's a fragile boat, why the fuck did it take so long to build, anyway? Why can any squall still sink it?

OK, block those nautical metaphors, for god's sake. Matey.

It has been so long since I've posted, I've forgotten my password and my profile pic vamoosed when I tried to reorganize my Flickr account--but I'll be back, I promise. Am feeling the ache to write...
